An Open Door for the Word

Discussion questions:

In this concluding exhortation, Paul discusses prayer and personal witness. Do you ever struggle with guilt about these two areas of the Christian life? If so, what truths from the book of Colossians are you forgetting? 

Paul prays for an open door for the word. What might you expect him to pray for in light of his imprisonment? What are some of the circumstances in your life that you’d like to change? Consider how your struggles or weaknesses could be a door for the word. 

What does walking in wisdom look like according to verses 5-6? What is the “salty” speech that Paul commends? Where might our speech make the gospel less palatable to others? How can we talk in ways that make the gospel more appetizing?

Both Paul and the Colossians have a calling to speak about the gospel. How are these similar and how are they different? (Hint: note the difference between what both Paul and the Colossians “ought” to do.) Reflect on what it means to not force openings but redeem opportunities.