What's Love Got to Do With It?

Discussion questions:

Micah brings a surprising message to God’s people. What does it mean that God judges his own people? Why does God’s love mean that he has to judge our idolatry? 

What happened to Samaria is a warning for Judah and Jerusalem. Why do God’s people need warnings? What do they accomplish? Is there a warning message in your life right now that you need to listen to?

Micah’s weeping shows that love is tender as well as fierce. How does Micah reflect God’s character? The response of repentance? The coming of the Savior?  Where do you need to reflect this kind of love to others?

Love wounds, warns, and weeps. Which of these three aspects of love do you find most difficult to model? Which one do you find most difficult to receive? How is Micah 1 challenging you to grow?